Thursday, October 24, 2013

My notes from the GSFC Python boot camp

very good parallelization:  "import cloud"

Neat trick:  "whos" in ipython shows you what variables are set!!!
In [15]: whos
Variable   Type     Data/Info
accel      float    9.8
t          float    1.0

  ** is the power operator.
  ^ is a bitwise operator, very different from power!  Be careful.

 - Strings are immutable.  This sounds really weird.
 - r before a string makes it a raw string:  print r'this is a raw string\n\r'
 - "eggs"*100 prints eggs a hundred times, duh.
 - string join operator is +.  Perl . does not work.
 - s = "spam\n"; print len(s); print s[-1]; print s[2:4]; print s[1:]

Get simple input from command line:
  T = float(raw_input("Enter the teperature in K: "))  #need to cast the input
  Enter the teperature in K: 100

Data structures:
To find out what variable v is:  > type(v)
To find out what you can do with a variable, in ipython, type v.TAB

for i,x in enumerate(a):   # Very useful way to loop and keep track of index
   print i, x, len(x)

x = range(0,100000,1000);  # range([start,] stop[, step]) -> list of integers
# This makes a useful lsit of integers, with selectable start, stop, & step

FUNCTIONS:  # Here's how to define one.
def addnums(x,y):
return x + y

global a   # defines a variable as a global variable

*arg     - a list of arguments.  required
**kwargs  - a list of keyword key=value pairs.

ip> from numpy import int[TAB], shows you the numpy  modules starting w int
reload(module_name) # reload module when you've edited it.

ipython fanciness:
%lsmagic  # lists all the magic functions
%quickref  # quick reference on ipython
%history -f logfile.out
%pdb  - python dbugger
%load_ext rmagic  # run R from Python
%save -f  #save your work
%run      #load it back in

%%!  (do stuff in the shell for a while, until a blankline return)

#Lots of great stuff in Jeremy's talk about ipython,
#especially how to talk to the command line and back.  Flew by fast,
#so I re-read it carefully at home.

# this is like backticks in perl:
from_shell = !ls *.cat
!touch "$from_shell[0]"."new"
from_shell?             # tells you about this new variable
from_shell?? # more verbose

running ipython --pylab automaticlly loads numpy as np, matplotlib.pylab as plt

How to format strings like in perl:
print "%.3f" % (math.pi)    #the % sign is the key operator here.
print "%010f" % math.pi

"Here is formatted pi: {0:.3f}".format(math.pi)
#                      place format    what gets formatted
#   The syntax here is weird.  {place : formatting}  Study this!

Formatting strings, use nameofstring.format()
"on {1}, I feel {0}".format("saturday", "groovy")

Regular expressions!
re.split is more powerful than built-in split.  Looks more like perl splitline = "I like the number 234 and 21."
re.split("([kn])", line)  # splits on either k or n.  Ah, regexp

# many ways to read a file: read, readlines, asciitable
 module lets you run subcommands
os.system("sed s/love/hate/g %s > temp" % infile)
os.system("sed s/is/not/g temp2 > temp3")

#Lambda functions:
-lambda is a reserved keyword.  Cannot use it for wavelength.
- Used for short, one-liner functions.  If longer, name a function
- very nifty, can do function in 1 line
(lambda x,y: x**2+y)(2,4.5) # forget about creating a new function name...just do it!!

#Terri's slides had a very useful way to sort by several different columns,1,0))

Should wrap volatile (may fail) code in Try, Except, Finally wrapper

Python can forget about a varible, with del:  "del x"

To run things in ipython to debug:

a=b means that a follows b from here on, HOWEVER b changes later!
So it's not the way we normally think of assignment.

Copy does something different:

#I asked Jeremy how to organize my Python scripts.  He suggested I
#add a local dir to PYTHON_PATH, that has my files.  This will
#make them globally visible to my python.  Centralize, so I can canibalize.

Scipy is a big module of math and science programs.
-Includes numpy, matplotlib, ipython.
-scipy uses numpy arrays
-Rpy -- interface to R
-zis there an IDLPy wrapper?

MPFIT and MPFITFUN *have* been imported to Python, yay.
There are other ways of doing things, scipy.optimize.

Terri, Errors, Exceptions, Traceback:


different ways to invoke:  is the perl debugger post-mortem:  it's like ILD STOP, but it
stops where the code dies, and lets you look around, work

pdb.set_trace()  # sets cookies where you think your code is failing'myexamplecode.main()')

python /usr/stsci/pyssg/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7/
# this runs the python debugger on the command line

Andy Ptak's talk on astronomy applications

fits:  FITS file handling.  will subsume pyfits
asciitable will also be absorbed into astropy

astropy.constants is amazing!  Can convert, combine units wantonly, it
keeps track.

from ds9 import *   # now can display images in ds9, from python
#works on xpaset, xpaget, so ds.get(), ds.set()

Convolution in astropy is better than scipy, because it can handle NaNs.

python-crontab:  module to handle crontab

Class website:

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