(Gloss: by barycentric velocity correction, I mean removing the radial velocity of the observatory toward the target with respect to the barycenter of the solar system. Affects spectra by up to +-30 km/s, so relevant for moderate or high resolution spectra.)
So, I adapted this gist by Stuart Littlefair. I wrote a small module that computes the barycentric correction and applies it to a spectrum. I tested that it agrees within 0.01 km/s with the correction computed by Jskycalc. Good enough for extragalactic purposes; dunno if safe for exoplanets.
Here's a code snippet that reads in a bunch of spectra and applies the barycentric correction:
def get_the_spectra(filenames, obslog, colwav='obswave') :
df = {}
for thisfile in filenames :
print "loading file ", thisfile
df[thisfile] = pandas.read_table(thisfile, delim_whitespace=True, comment="#")
# Apply the Barycentric correction
thisobs = obslog.loc[thisfile]
keck = EarthLocation.of_site('keck')
my_target = SkyCoord(thisobs['RA'], thisobs['DEC'], unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg), frame='icrs')
my_start_time = Time( thisobs['DATE-OBS'] + "T" + thisobs['UT_START'] , format='isot', scale='utc')
midpt = TimeDelta(thisobs['EXPTIME'] / 2.0, format='sec')
my_time = my_start_time + midpt # time at middle of observation
barycor_vel = jrr.barycen.compute_barycentric_correction(my_time, my_target, location=keck)
print "FYI, the barycentric correction factor for", thisfile, "was", barycor_vel
jrr.barycen.apply_barycentric_correction(df[thisfile], barycor_vel, colwav='obswave', colwavnew='wave') #
df[thisfile]['Nfiles'] = 1 # N of exposures that went into this spectrum
return(df) # return a dictionary of dataframes of spectra
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